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Cognitive Development Training and Tutoring

The mission of Brilliant Minds Cognitive Development Training is to improve learning ability and function through cognitive exercises that meaningfully transfer to all educational and everyday life situations so individuals maximize their potential.

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 "Everyone- regardless of age, etiology or disability- has immeasurable ability to enhance their learning aptitude and heighten their intelligence. 

Dr. Reuven Feuerstein

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Home: About Me


Alexandra Brown, M.Ed. 

Alexandra has over 30 years of experience working in the field of education; teaching and training. She graduated from The University Massachusetts-Amherst in Sports Management and from American International College with a Master's degree in Education and holds current certification in: 


  • Equipping Minds Cognitive Certifications: Level 1, 2 and 3 

  • Learning Disabilities (K-12)

  • BEH (K-12),

  • CCR (K-12) 

  • Elementary Education (K-6)


Alexandra's certification in Equipping Minds Cognitive Development has strengthened her ability to encourage and equip learners of all ages with academic or cognitive struggles. She has found it to be the missing component in working with students with learning challenges. 

Alexandra has a passion for helping people succeed in life using the tools and knowledge that God has equipped her with.


Jennifer Nocar


Jennifer earned her bachelor’s degree in Microbiology from UC Santa Barbara and worked in the Biotech Industry in the San Francisco Bay area for five years before starting a family in 2000. In 2008, she and her husband and three daughters moved from California to Raleigh, NC.


After moving to Raleigh, Jennifer began homeschooling her children.  More recently, she has not only instructed her own children, but has taught classes for other students. Her teaching role has afforded her the opportunity to modify and develop coursework to meet her students’ varied learning needs. Jennifer has worked with students of all ages and abilities, including those with challenges related to focus/concentration, anxiety, depression, and social skills. She knows the frustration, as a parent, of tirelessly trying everything you know to do to help your struggling child. She knows the feeling of finding yourself seemingly at a loss to find that program or diet or class that you know must be out there that could help. She is so glad that you have persevered and are here!


Jennifer is certified in Equipping Minds Cognitive Development Therapy and has personally witnessed the amazing change this training program offers to students who have difficulty learning. Her certification is rooted in her desire to see students of all ages realize the potential of their cognitive abilities to learn, change, and grow with any challenge! Jennifer believes there is always hope and a path forward.

Home: Resources and Tips

Research Articles

“What makes this program different from others is that Dr. Carol Brown has the research and data to back up its effectiveness.  The research on the association between working memory and academic achievement makes this program an ideal choice for sharpening a student’s academic skill.  As a father, uncle, teacher, and educational researcher, I would recommend this program to any parent seeking to build the learning capacity of their child’s brain.” 

- John Almarode, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Early, Elementary, and Reading Education, James Madison University


Have a particular challenge you’re trying to deal with? Contact us today and see what we can do for you. Sessions are taught both in person and remote. 

Thanks for submitting!

 Wake Forest NC 27587


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